Android studio fragment layout name
Android studio fragment layout name

If you have already created the project then you can also add Navigation drawer activity in your existing project by opening Your Package Name -> New -> Activity -> Navigation Drawer Activity. Step 2 Edit the activity layout file After creating the activity, we need to edit the xml file. Start a fresh android application project in Android Studio and select the Navigation Drawer Screen as default screen. All of this happens without launching another activity. Instead, switching tabs simply swaps out the previous fragment with another fragment. In the above screenshot, tapping on a tab doesn't trigger an intent to display the next screen. In Android Studio, Right click on main source set folder, click on New -> Activity -> Empty Activity. A fragment is a reusable piece of UI fragments can be reused and embedded in one or more activities.

android studio fragment layout name

dialogfragmentexample import import import import import android.os.Bundle import android.widget. The first step is to create a base activity which is gonna host the fragments which we need to display.

android studio fragment layout name

rssreader import import import android.os.Bundle import import import import public class MyListFragment extends Fragment

Android studio fragment layout name